Waiting is a part of life. Even in this microwave society that we live in, there are just some things that we all have to wait on. We often do not have a choice about waiting, but we do have a choice about our attitude while we wait. Scripture teaches us that we should wait patiently for the Lord’s blessings and promises. Waiting patiently means that we maintain a good attitude and a joyful spirit. That may seem difficult when we are waiting on God to brings us through a challenging situation, but the Book of James teaches us to count it all joy, even when going through trials. Because it is in the waiting season that God matures, refines and prepares us for the blessings He has for us. For some of us, that may mean changing mindsets and attitudes that have been embedded in our psyche. This may mean shedding selfishness, self-centered and disobedient behavior. Often God has to prune us before He can move us to the next level or season in our lives. God disciplines His children because He loves us. This makes the waiting even more difficult and causes us to be more impatient. But if we learn to trust that God is refining us because He loves us and has greater things ahead of us, we can then surrender to the process.
Prayer: Lord, forgive us for our impatience and disobedience. Often we let worldly views and human nature keep us from waiting patiently on You. Help us to not take things in our own hands but to listen to Your voice and be obedient when You tell us to wait. Amen.
Purpose in Action: What are you trusting God for in this season? Ask God to open your heart to the lessons He is teaching and to help you have a good attitude while you wait.
For His Purpose,
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