In this 31st chapter of Psalm, David describes the great attack he is under, but through it all he declares that he will trust God and that “my times are in your hands.” In this, David acknowledges that his life is under God’s control. Just like David, we must also declare that every aspect of our life is in God’s hand. When we surrender our control to God, He is then able to do the work that He has planned for our lives.
But trusting God can sometimes be easier said than done. Often we compartmentalize our trust. We may trust God with our finances but struggle with trusting Him with our relationships. For me, impatience is normally the reason I struggle with trusting God. If He is not moving in the time span that I think He should, I begin to doubt He will answer my prayers or meet my needs. However, I am learning that when the spirit of doubt comes over me it is then that I must be still and trust God even more.
We must remember that often when God seems the quietest is actually when He is most at work. So in those quiet times, we must take that opportunity to strengthen our trust and faith in God by staying focused and being obedient to His word. Remember, what God has for you is for you and it is better than anything that you could ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20).
Prayer: Lord, like David, I declare that You are my God and my times are in Your hand. I pray and trust that you will deliver me from my enemies as well as my obstacles and struggles. Amen.
Purpose in Action: What are you having trouble trusting God with? Are you allowing doubt, fear or impatience to hindering your trust in God?
For His Purpose,
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