Are you being convicted about an area of your life? Do you feel God lovingly trying to correct an attitude or behavior that you have struggled with for a long time? Being disciplined by God can be painful, but we must remember, God disciplines us because He loves us and wants us to live a blessed and fulfilled life.
I have to admit that I have often become frustrated and felt guilty about repeated failures or shortfalls in areas that I know I can do better. But I have come to realize that frustration is a result of me trying to change me, instead of allowing God to change me. I am encouraged by a message from Joyce Meyer in which she reminded me “there are no drive-thru breakthroughs.” We live in such a “right now” society, that we even want our discipline from God to be quick and to the point (with the least amount of pain as possible, I might add). But often the change is a process (and sometimes even a painful one) that will come about only when we surrender our will to God’s and consistently seek His guidance and correction.
I encourage you to not ignore or hide from God’s discipline. Allow Him to lovingly make the corrections in whatever area you feel convicted. And remember this is a process, as you improve in one area, God will start revealing other areas to you. It is just like physical training, as we become more consistent in our workouts, we see the different parts of our bodies begin to reshape into the desired results. So to, we must allow God to discipline and reshape us into His desired results. And what could be better than God’s best? His harvest is better than anything that we could possibly produce.
Prayer: Lord, help us to remember that You discipline us in love and it is only to make us better. We surrender to the process of change, being patient and trusting that it all works together for our good and according to Your purpose. Amen.
Purpose In Action: What area is God disciplining you in right now? Be honest, have you been trying to get a drive-thru breakthrough?
For His Purpose,
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